Pursuant to the duty of information provided for under the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI-CE) Act 34/2002, of 11 July, the general details of this website are provided below:
The owner of this website, nextret.net, (hereinafter, the Website) is: NEXTRET CIBERSEGURIDAD SL, allocated NIF (company taxpayer No.): B88090816 and entered in: Madrid under the following registry details: Tomo 37694, folio 170, Inscripción 1 con hoja M-671564, represented by: Albert Domingo, whose contact details are:
C/ Orense, 70
28020 Madrid
Telephone number: 917 021 645
Fax: 917 708 493
Email address: nextret@nextret.net
This Legal Notice applies to all web pages owned by NexTReT Ciberseguridad, S.L. or any of the companies that make up the NexTReT group.
The purpose of these conditions: The Website
The purpose of these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter, the Conditions) is to regulate Website access and use. For the purposes of these Conditions, the Website shall be understood as comprising: the external appearance of the interfaces, in both static and dynamic forms, in other words, the navigational tree; and all built-in elements, including in the interfaces and navigational tree (hereinafter, the Content) and all online services or resources that, as applicable, are offered to the Users (hereinafter, the Services).
NexTReT Ciberseguridad reserves the right to amend, at any time, and without prior notice, the display and setup of the Website and the Content and Services that may be featured on the Website. The User recognises and accepts that, at any time, NexTReT Ciberseguridad may interrupt, disable and/or cancel any of these elements that feature on the Website or access thereto.
The User may access the Website freely and, generally speaking, free of charge, without the User having to pay a fee to enjoy its content, with the exception of connection charges to access the Website via the telecommunications network supplied by the internet service provider contracted by the User.
The use of Content does not require any prior subscription or registration.
The User
Access, browsing and use of the Website confers the status of User, which shall entail acceptance, from the moment at which the User starts to browse the Website, all the Conditions established herein, in addition to any subsequent amendments, notwithstanding the application of the corresponding mandatory legislative regulations, as appropriate. Given the relevance of the foregoing, it is recommended that the User read them each time he/she visits the Website.
The Website provides a wide variety of information, services and data. The User assumes responsibility for using the Website correctly. This responsibility shall extend to:
Using the information, Content and/or Services and data provided by NexTReT Ciberseguridad in a way that is not contrary to these Conditions, the Law, good morality or public order, or in any way that would infringe the rights of third parties or the functionality of the Website.
Merely accessing the Website shall not constitute any type of commercial relationship between NexTReT Ciberseguridad and the User.
With respect for the legislation in force, the Website is designed for all audiences, regardless of their age, that can access and/or browse the pages of the Website.
The Website is mainly intended for Users residing in Spain. NexTReT Ciberseguridad is unable to guarantee that the Website satisfies the laws in force in other countries, whether in full or in part. If the User resides in or his/her place of residence is located elsewhere and decides to access and/or browse the Website, he/she shall do so at his/her own responsibility, ensuring that this access and browsing satisfies the applicable local legislation; NexTReT Ciberseguridad shall assume no responsibility that may derive from this access.
NexTReT Ciberseguridad cannot guarantee the continuity, availability and utility of the Website, or its Content or Services. NexTReT Ciberseguridad shall spare no efforts in ensuring the correct functionality of the Website; however, it shall assume no responsibility or guarantee that Website access shall be uninterrupted or free from error.
Nor shall it assume responsibility or guarantee that the content or software that may be accessed via the Website is free from error or causing damage to the User’s computer system (software and hardware). Under no circumstances shall NexTReT Ciberseguridad assume responsibility for any losses or damages whatsoever that may arise as part of the access, browsing and use of the Website, including, but not limited to, damages caused to computing systems or by the introduction of a virus.
NexTReT Ciberseguridad shall not assume responsibility for any damages that may be suffered by users on account of the incorrect use of this Website. Specifically, it shall assume no responsibility for any downtime, outages, failures or defects in telecommunications that may occur.
Pursuant to the provisions of the legislation in force, NexTReT Ciberseguridad hereby undertakes to adopt the necessary technical and organisational measures, ensuring a level of security appropriate to the data collected.
This privacy policy has been adapted to the Spanish and European regulations in force on online personal data protection. Specifically, these regulations include:
- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR).
- Basic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and the guarantee of digital rights.
- The Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI-CE) Act 34/2002, of 11 July.
Further details about data protection can be found at the following link: https://spidernext.com/en/privacy-policy/
Accessing this Website may involve the use of cookies. Cookies are small amounts of information that are stored on the browser used by each User, on the different devices that he/she may use to browse the Internet, for the server to remember certain information for this same server to read this information at a later date. Cookies facilitate browsing, making it more user friendly without damaging the browsing device.
Cookies are automated data collection procedures in relation to the preferences defined by the User during his/her visit to the Website and in order to recognise him/her as the User, personalising the experience and use of the Website; they may also help, for example, to identify and resolve errors.
The information gathered by the cookies may include the date and time of Website visits, pages viewed, the time that the User remained on the Website and the sites visited immediately before and after. However, no cookie makes it possible to make contact via the User’s phone number or any other means of personal contact. No cookie can extract information from the User’s hard drive or steal personal information. The only way that the User’s private information forms part of the Cookie file is if the user personally provides this information to the server.
Cookies that make it possible to identify a person are considered personal data. Along these lines, the User’s consent is required for their use. This consent shall be communicated, based on a genuine choice, offer by means of an affirmative and positive decision, before the initial, removable and documented processing of the data.
You are hereby informed that the NexTReT Ciberseguridad Website provides or may provide Users with links (by means of hyperlinks, banners, buttons), directories and search engines that allow Users to access websites belonging to and/or managed by third parties.
These links, directories and search engines on the Website seek to facilitate the process of Users searching for and accessing information available online, without representing a suggestion, recommendation or invitation to visit these other websites.
NexTReT Ciberseguridad does not offer or sell, on its own behalf or through third parties, the products and/or services available through these links.
Furthermore, it does not guarantee the technical availability, precision, accuracy, validity or legality of websites beyond its control that Users may access by clicking on these links.
Under no circumstances shall NexTReT Ciberseguridad revise or control the content of other websites, nor approve, examine or internalise the products and services, content, files or other material at the aforementioned linked websites.
NexTReT Ciberseguridad assumes no responsibility for the damages caused by the access, use, quality or legality of the content, communications, opinions, products and services of the websites not managed by NexTReT Ciberseguridad and that are linked on this Website.
Any User or third party inserting a link from another website to the NexTReT Ciberseguridad Website, shall bear in mind that:
The complete or partial reproduction of any of the Content and/or Services on the Website is prohibited unless expressly authorised by NexTReT Ciberseguridad.
Nor shall any false, inaccurate or incorrect declaration about the NexTReT Ciberseguridad Website, or its Content and/or Services, be permitted.
With the exception of the hyperlink itself, the website on which the hyperlink appears shall not contain any elements of this Website, which are protected as intellectual property under Spanish law, unless expressly authorised by NexTReT Ciberseguridad.
The inclusion of a hyperlink on a website shall not entail the existence of a relationship between NexTReT Ciberseguridad and the owner of the aforementioned website, nor that NexTReT Ciberseguridad is aware of or accepts the content, services and/or activities offered by the website, and vice versa.
NexTReT Ciberseguridad, naturally or by assignee, holds all intellectual and industrial property rights pertaining to the Website, in addition to the elements contained therein (including but not limited to, images, sound, audio, video, software and texts, trademarks or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs required for its functioning, access and use, etc.). Therefore, they shall be considered works protected by intellectual property under Spanish law, subject to both the applicable Spanish and Community legislation, in addition to the international treaties on the matter of which Spain is a signatory.
All rights reserved. Pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Intellectual Property, the reproduction, distribution and public disclosure of all or part of the content of this website is expressly prohibited, as is making said content available, for commercial purposes, regardless of the support or technical means used, without authorisation from NexTReT Ciberseguridad.
The User hereby undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of NexTReT Ciberseguridad. The elements of the Website may be displayed, and even printed, copied and stored on your computer’s hard drive or any other physical media, provided that you do so exclusively for your own personal use. However, the User may not delete, amend or manipulate any protection device or security system that is installed on the Website.
If the User or third party believes that any of the Website’s Content is in breach of intellectual property protection rights, he/she should inform NexTReT Ciberseguridad immediately, using the contact details provided in the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this Legal Notice and General Conditions of Use.
NexTReT Ciberseguridad reserves the right to take the civil or criminal actions it deems necessary for the incorrect use of the Website and its Content or when these Conditions have been breached.
The relationship between the User and NexTReT Ciberseguridad shall be governed by the legislation in force and applicable in Spain. Should any dispute arise in terms of the interpretation and/or application of these Conditions, the parties shall subject said dispute to the ordinary jurisdiction of the Courts of Barcelona.
Last amendment: 14th february 2023